
The Kognitiv Rooster Interview Scheduler for Workday schedules interviews using Google Calendaring and Zoom Conferencing. To use the Rooster Zoom app, you must have an active Rooster license.

If you do not have an active Rooster license and would like to see a demonstration, have questions or would like to discuss more, please email us at info@kognitivinc.com or call us at 617.433.9500 9am – 5pm (Eastern Time) Monday – Friday.

Job Applications

Once Job Applications are imported from Workday into Rooster (by clicking on the Login to Rooster link within the Workday Inbox Todo item) you will land on the Job Application page. Click the Schedule button to start scheduling a new interview.

1. Scheduling an Interview (Step 1: Calendar)

To start viewing available times from interviewers within your company, click the (Add Interviewers) drop down list, or start typing the interviewers name.

To start viewing available times from your conferencing calendars, click the (Add Conferencing) drop down list, or start typing the conference room or Zoom room name – to use your Zoom account select it from the bottom of the dropdown, since the list is sorted alphabetically.

To add skills/competencies or feedback/questionnaire forms related to the interview, click the (Add Skills/Feedback) drop down list, or start typing the skills/competency or feedback/questionnaire name to add it to the interview.

If you want to add another interview slot, click the (Add Interview) button. If you want to remove the current interview slot, click the trash can icon next to the time slot.

To change the date of the interview, select a date from the calendar in the upper left corner of the page. To change the time or duration of the interview slot, use the dropdown lists with times and durations.

To change the time zone of the calendar, click the Time Zone button at the bottom of the page.

To select the Day/Work Week/Week/Month view of the calendar, click the appropriate buttons in the upper right of the page.

Once your scheduling calendar is filled out, it may look similar to this:

Click on the Personalize button at the bottom right to continue to Step 2.

2. Scheduling an Interview (Step 2: Personalize)

On the Personalize page, you can modify the subject line and body content of the email invitations that are being sent to the interviewers on the left and the candidate on the right. Click the dropdown lists to change to a different email template.

Click on the Review button at the upper right to continue to Step 3.

3. Scheduling an Interview (Step 3: Review)

Please review the interview before scheduling by previewing the interviewers and time slots.

Click on the Send Invitations As dropdown to select the email account to use when sending Google Calendar invitations to interviewer(s) and the candidate.

Click on the Send button at the upper right to schedule the interview.

Scheduled Interviews

After scheduling the interview in Step 3, you will be taken back to the Job Application page where the interview you just scheduled will appear, along with the status of the calendar invitation sent out to each interviewer and candidate (e.g. Awaiting, Accepted, Tentative, Declined, etc.)

Invitations are sent immediately to all interviewers after scheduling the interview, but invitations are not sent to the candidate until you click the green Send button next to the candidate’s name. This is to ensure that the interviewers are available and confirmed within the scheduled date and times before confirming with the candidate.

If you want to cancel the interview, click the Cancel button in the lower right of the interview information to send a cancellation notice to all interviewers, along with the candidate if the invitation was sent to the candidate already.

Click on the Schedule New button at the lower right to schedule another interview with this candidate.

Calendar Invitations with Google and Zoom

Once an interview is scheduled, calendar invitations are emailed to interviewers, and eventually the candidate when ready.

Google sends the calendar invitation from the email account selected in Step 3, tracks whether the calendar invitation is acceptected, declined, etc. and this status is sent back to Rooster in real time.

Zoom conference information is embedded at the bottom of the email body, providing all of the standard Zoom information:

  • Zoom Link
  • One Tap Mobile Numbers

If the candidate would like to add this invitation to another calendar, they can click on the links at the bottom of the email to add to:

  • Google Calendar
  • Yahoo Calendar
  • Microsoft Calendar