
Revolutionize Your Recruitment with Rooster: Unlock Enhanced Efficiency and Candidate Satisfaction

In today’s competitive talent landscape, maintaining an edge is essential, and finding the right candidates quickly and efficiently can make all the difference. That’s where Rooster, the leading enterprise-ready solution for HR scheduling, comes in.

Engineered specifically for Workday® by Workday® experts, Rooster harnesses cutting-edge technology to transform and streamline the enterprise scheduling experience. Rooster equips your recruiters with automated SMS notifications and email reminders, while seamlessly connecting diverse recruitment programs such as ATS, video conferencing, and email. The result? Increased productivity and an interconnected recruitment process that transcends traditional limits. Allowing you you to say goodbye to manual scheduling woes and welcome in a fluid, efficient, and interconnected hiring experience.

Why is Rooster your ultimate answer to recruitment hurdles? From day one, you will receive immediate benefits such as: 

An Elevated Candidate Experience

With Rooster’s intuitive scheduling capabilities, candidates can effortlessly self-select timeframes that fit their schedules. This hassle-free experience leaves a lasting positive impression, putting your company ahead of the competition. Rooster seamlessly integrates with your existing interview process, ensuring a smooth match between candidate and internal team schedules.

An Accelerated Hiring Process

Harness the power of Rooster’s detailed analytics and metrics for informed scheduling decisions. Identify bottlenecks, streamline your hiring process, and make data-driven decisions. Clients have reported a 10-30x ROI in terms of time saved using Rooster, contributing to significant reductions in scheduling time and hiring cycle durations. Let Rooster turbocharge your recruitment process.

Empower Global Recruitment

It’s time to embrace worldwide talent effortlessly.  Manage interviews and meetings across various days and time zones with Rooster’s automatic time zone detection and adjustment. With support for over 150 languages, Rooster ensures a smooth and inclusive experience for global teams and international candidates. 

Quick and Simple Deployment

Experience Rooster’s benefits within just four weeks. Our phased approach lets you try Rooster within a subset of your organization before deploying it company-wide, ensuring maximum adoption success. Our record? Rooster deployed in just two days!

With Rooster, you’re not only saving time and boosting efficiency but also creating a candidate experience that mirrors your company’s ethos. Elevate your recruitment process and remain competitive in the talent market by choosing Rooster for your scheduling needs!

Ready to redefine recruitment success? Discover Rooster today!

Watch this video to learn more:

Experience Rooster’s transformative impact on your hiring process. Schedule your free demo today!

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