
Why Virtual Interview Scheduling is a Major Pain Point for Recruiters

Running a smooth virtual recruitment process is much easier said than done. Rooster can help!

Virtual recruitment, while initially implemented as an alternative during the pandemic, has become the most used hiring method across practically every industry. Despite widespread adoption, however, running a smooth virtual recruitment process is much easier said than done.

Traditional recruitment is already an incredibly complex process that requires the coordination of multiple moving parts – add to this the intricacies of remote work and global hiring, and what should be a simple matter of interview scheduling can turn into a nightmare. Inefficient interview scheduling processes have a significant impact on your recruitment, and can cause delays, missed opportunities to hire top talent, and even a negative impact on your company image with candidates.


When scheduling interviews, recruiters have to take multiple factors into consideration such as interviewer availability, candidate availability, and time zone differences. Recruiters must also take into account the different stages of the hiring process, such as screening, first-round interviews, and follow-up interviews. Coordinating the schedules of multiple stakeholders can be incredibly time-consuming, leading to delays and confusion.

Candidate Experience

When candidates are forced to wait too long for an interview, they may lose interest in the position and accept another offer. The average recruitment pipeline takes 38 days on average – plenty of time for candidates to consider other offers – thus making it crucial to execute an efficient interview process in order to hire top talent. Additionally, long wait times, scheduling conflicts, or a lack of flexibility may leave a negative impression of the company, impacting your brand as an employer.

Ripple Effect

An inefficient scheduling process can have a ripple effect on the entire hiring process and timeline. Delays in candidate screening and selection can not only result in a longer time-to-hire and all the increased costs associated with it, but can also have a negative impact on the recruitment team. Prolonged timelines and rescheduling can lead to frustration and disengagement, resulting in low morale and a less effective process.

Rooster helps address all of these pain points by delivering a seamless candidate process. As the perfect Workday hiring companion, Rooster simplifies the interview scheduling process by working bi-directionally with the Workday Recruiting applicant tracking system, allowing for intelligent automation, and by providing a wide range of integrations with popular web conferencing platforms, SSO/Security technologies, and leading email and office tools – all in one portal.

Change the way your hiring is done with Rooster’s one-click interview scheduling solutions. Read more about Rooster’s robust features here, or contact us to experience them firsthand through a personalized demo! 

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