In a world where work is becoming more globalized by the second due to technology and the demand for increased remote work, employers and employees alike are realizing the increased need for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. In fact, nearly 80% of individuals surveyed by CNBC recently noted that they want to work for a company that places value on DEI in the workplace. Not only that, but with a more diverse workforce your team will be more creative and inspired by each other’s viewpoints, more equipped to tackle distinct client requests, and overall, more understanding and compassionate towards their colleagues resulting in a strong company culture.
So, how do you go about infusing DEI into the foundation of your recruiting practices for success?
4 Tips from Rooster’s Team for Enhancing DEI
As we continue to develop Rooster features that will enable our users to consciously improve DEI in their workforce, we do have a few tips you can implement today:
Cultivate Equitable Job Descriptions
Many don’t realize that the way a job description is written can turn off top talent. Forbes has shared tips like replacing gender specific pronouns, eliminating gender-coded terms, skipping the jargon and embracing simplicity for those who may have dyslexia or autism, sharing your diversity values in your posts to attract those with similar values, and more. InclusionHub has some great swaps for inclusive language. For example changing “must be able to stand for the entire shift” to “must be able to remain stationary position during shift” to include those with disabilities.
Eliminate Unconscious Bias by Appointing a Diverse Hiring Team
To cultivate a diverse team, you must have a diverse hiring team. Ensure your hiring managers vary in gender, race, age, education level, job level—as each individual will see something different in your potential top talent and compiling this panel will help eliminate any unconscious bias. If your management isn’t sure about this, share that 85% of CEOs said having a diverse workforce improved their bottom lines, so it’s critical that diversity is explored, embraced, and practiced at every level of your organization.
Meet Your Candidates Where They’re At
In order to be inclusive of every generation entering the workforce, it’s important to meet them where they’re at. That means for Gen Z and Millennials, offering options like automated interview scheduling with SMS reminders will show them that your company is on the cutting-edge. It will show them that you’re embracing technological innovations that are on the horizon of this next era for the world of work. They’re going to want to join your team after seeing how you’ve streamlined your interview process with technology that accommodates time differences, language barriers, generational differences, and more.
Free Up Your HR Coordinators to Focus on DEI
One reason DEI initiatives in the workplace tend to get forgotten about is simply the lack of time to focus on large initiatives. By using automated interview scheduling software, you’re instantly freeing up time that your human resources team can dedicate to initiatives and programs to focus on your company’s DEI strategy, cultivating an inclusive and equal opportunity culture your team and customers will value.
Rooster is Always Developing HR Technology to Spark Change
Through providing streamlined interview experiences that meet employees where they’re at, leveling the playing field for all candidates with user-friendly software and processes, incorporating more diversity into your hiring practices, and allowing your team the time to focus on this important initiative—you’ll be on the way to an unbeatable company culture that will allow your team and business to thrive. Rooster is here to help make that happen.
At Rooster, we’re always trying to develop the next greatest tech that will allow your team to save time, money, while also improving opportunities for greater advancement in critical areas like DEI. There is much more on the horizon, and we can’t wait to continue pioneering human resources tech that will mold the workplace of the future. Want to experience current Rooster capabilities for yourself and learn more about what’s in store? Schedule a complimentary personalized demo so we can work with your team to troubleshoot your greatest hiring challenges, and in turn help you build a stronger team!